Until I Met You Read online

  “I loved this story! Tari Faris brings us home to Heritage, Michigan, again in another delightful story about this small town and the people in it. I fell in love with tough but tender Austin and bookworm Libby (and a few other characters too). Tari Faris has upped her game in this sophomore book with her writing, her characterization, and especially the theme of family reconciliation. You’ll love it too!”

  Susan May Warren, USA Today bestselling author

  “In Until I Met You, author Tari Faris combines the right mixture of romance, humor, and realistic conflict. There’s no overlooking how Faris makes you laugh with her lighthearted, fun scenes, but she doesn’t back away from tough issues like family estrangement or how our past mistakes stain our future. Reading this book built my anticipation for the next addition to the Restoring Heritage series.”

  Beth K. Vogt, Christy Award–winning author of the Thatcher Sisters series

  “Tari Faris continues her delightful Restoring Heritage series with a memorable and stirring sophomore novel. Until I Met You combines some of my favorite story features—a charming small town, a dose of humor, and a romance that has both its obstacles and its oh-so-relatable, poignant moments. Faris is cementing her place in the world of inspirational contemporary romance, and I’m excited to see what she writes next!”

  Melissa Tagg, Carol Award–winning author of Now and Then and Always and the Walker Family series

  Praise for You Belong with Me

  “Faris’s enticing debut and launch of her Restoring Heritage series features a small-town romance based on a shared love for restoration. . . . Featuring devout characters and an enjoyably languid pace, this pleasing outing will be perfect for fans of Karen Kingsbury.”

  Publishers Weekly

  “You Belong with Me by Tari Faris is one of those books that makes me feel as though I went straight into a Hallmark movie. . . . I would definitely love to see this book on the big screen.”

  Urban Lit Magazine

  “Tari Faris spins a delightful romance set in a charming small town. With a passionate heroine who sees the good in people and places others don’t, You Belong with Me is full of purpose, hilarious quirks, and everything that makes the reader savor a small-town romance. As a debut author, Faris knocked this one out of the park.”

  Rachel Hauck, New York Times bestselling author

  “Tari Faris’s debut is a treat. With a fresh voice, Faris brings charming characters and a quirky small town to life in You Belong with Me. From the first page, you’ll want to move to Heritage and befriend the locals. This novel will be a welcome addition to any bookshelf.”

  Liz Johnson, bestselling author of The Red Door Inn and A Dazzle of Diamonds

  Books by Tari Faris


  You Belong with Me

  Until I Met You

  © 2020 by Tari Faris

  Published by Revell

  a division of Baker Publishing Group

  PO Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287


  Ebook edition created 2020

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—for example, electronic, photocopy, recording—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

  ISBN 978-1-4934-2658-4

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Published in association with Books & Such Literary Management, 52 Mission Circle, Suite 122, PMB 170, Santa Rosa, CA 95409-5370, www.booksandsuch.com.

  To my parents,

  Dave and Joyce Thompson.

  Thank you for believing

  I could be an author

  and doing everything in your power

  to help me become one.




  Half Title Page

  Books by Tari Faris

  Title Page

  Copyright Page





















  A Sneak Peek of the Next Novel


  About the Author

  Back Ads

  Back Cover


  Today was a new start, and this time running back home wasn’t an option. Libby Kingsley pulled alongside the curb in front of her brother’s house and shoved her car into Park. She reached back and ran her fingers through the thick fur of her yellow lab asleep in back. “We’re here, Darcy.”

  The dog stretched his neck and leaned into the scratch. He was the perfect balance of confidence and calm—two things she needed more of.

  Her phone rang, and she pulled it out to check the display. She sighed and answered the call. “Hi, Mom. I’m here safe and sound.”

  “How are Luke and Hannah?” Her mom’s words were casual, but she’d probably been tracking her phone every mile of her drive from their Chicago suburb to Heritage, Michigan.

  “I haven’t even made it out of the car.” Libby leaned over her steering wheel, taking in her brother’s restored Victorian. The midday sun highlighted the white siding, black shutters, and large bay window. “But the front of his house looks amazing.”

  “He’s done so much with that place in such a short period.” Her mom carried on as if she was ready to talk all day. “Perhaps marriage and a baby on the way gave him that extra push of determination.”

  Libby scanned what she could see of Heritage. A moving truck was backed up to the house next door, the rear door rolled up and the ramp extended. If someone was moving in, at least she wouldn’t be the only new face in town. “Maybe I’ll find those in this small town too.”

  “A husband and a baby?” Her mom’s voice wavered. “Don’t rush into anything.”

  A man Jane Austen couldn’t have written any better stepped out of the neighboring house and marched to the moving truck. Black hair a little long on top, square jaw, and arms strong enough that he could probably unload the truck single-handedly. Libby swallowed against her suddenly dry throat. The guy’s gray T-shirt pulled tight across his wide shoulders as he lifted a box and disappeared into the backyard.

  Heritage was looking pretty good.


  The guy reappeared but this time with a large white dog on his heels. Darcy’s ears perked up as he watched the other dog nudge the man’s leg with a chew toy hanging from its mouth. The man knelt and scratched at the thick white fur, then tossed the chew toy into his backyard. He grabbed another box from the truck as the pup dashed behind the fence again.

  Darcy whimpered at the window, and Libby ran a soothing hand over his head. Okay, so the dog was not always the example of calm. But could she blame him?

  “Now, Libby.” Her mom’s voice shook her back to the present. “You remember what happened last time you—”

  “No, not a husband.” She dismissed the image of the man. No doubt he had a pretty little wife around there somewhere. “I meant I want to find an extra push of determination. Or purpose. Or something adultlike. I think this job will be a good fit for

  “Did Hannah give you any more details about the library?”

  Darcy nosed her shoulder, and she offered him another scratch. “I’ve worked at enough public libraries to know it’ll be pretty straightforward. Besides, it’s time I stop hiding from the past. It’s time to live again.” Her voice rose, bringing silence from the other end. A new job, new address, and new life were just what the doctor—er, therapist—had ordered, even if her mom didn’t want to hear it.

  Libby rested her forehead against the steering wheel. “Besides, Mom, I want to be near Luke and his new family. I want more than the occasional text or phone call. I want a front-row seat watching his kids grow up. We missed so much with him. I don’t want to miss any more.”

  “Maybe you could talk him into moving back here.”

  Libby picked at a thread on her skinny jeans and resisted the temptation to pull it. “He’s happy here, Mom . . . and I think I could be too.”

  “You can always come home, Libby.” The tenderness in her mother’s voice nearly undid her. Her mother was a strong, wise woman, but losing Luke at such a young age had broken something in her—in all of them. Ever since, her mom had a hard time letting her children go. Libby had let her mom rescue her three years ago. She’d gone home to heal and never left.

  That was why this had to work. Going back was not an option for her. It was time to stand on her own two feet.

  She reached for the leash and snapped her fingers. “I’ve got to go, Mom. I’ll call later.”

  Darcy’s caramel-colored snout shoved between the front seats before Libby could get her phone back in her purse. “Whoa, boy.”

  Heavy paws jammed into her leg as a bundle of fur blurred past her the instant the door popped open. Clearly, he hadn’t learned his manners from his namesake—Fitzwilliam Darcy. The finest example of a swoon-worthy hero if there ever was one. Her college roommate always said that Libby’s love of literature made her standards for dating too high. But since her last boyfriend had held her at gunpoint and left her a borderline agoraphobic for three years, maybe her standards weren’t high enough.

  Libby climbed from her car, soaking in the sweet scent of the moist ground and new beginnings. A cool breeze holding on to the tail of a summer storm whipped her long blonde hair around her neck, sending a shiver up her spine. The first week of August in Michigan should be warm—hot even—but Michigan was known for playing dice with the weather no matter the season.

  She pressed the lock on her key fob and waited for the comforting click before giving the handle a test tug. Her two bags, pillow, and box of books in the back seat would be safe on the street, right? The town was practically Mayberry, but then again, experience had taught her appearances could be deceiving.

  The leash in her hand jerked her toward the town square across the street. Libby recovered her balance and pulled Darcy toward Luke’s porch. “Later, boy. I promise.”

  The brass hippo that Hannah had told her about lay facing her on the sidewalk about halfway between Luke’s and the new neighbor’s house. It was like he’d shown up to greet her. Maybe he had. What was his name again?

  “Libby! Just in time.” Luke burst through the door, rattling the hand-painted Welcome sign hanging on the door. His brown curls stuck up at odd angles as if he’d been combing his hands through them over and over. Was his hoodie inside out?

  Libby glanced at her watch. “I’m two hours ahead of schedule.”

  “Right. Sorry, just give me a minute.” Her younger brother, normally the example of cool and collected, charged down the stairs and threw a bag in the bed of his red pickup. He circled her light blue sedan and pulled at the door.

  “You locked it?” He shot her a grin. “You’re in Heritage now, not Chicago.”

  She clicked the key fob but didn’t comment. Leaving the doors locked was a habit she was okay with keeping.

  Luke hefted her box of books from the back seat. “I know you want to get your own place, but there isn’t a lot to rent right now in Heritage. But we have an idea. We bought the house two doors down to flip, but it needs a lot of work like this one did.” With long-legged strides, Luke took the porch steps two at a time. “We thought you could live there while I’m working on it. You’d be close by but still have your own space. And the owner will give you the best rent in town.”

  A dog barked from the other side of the door, accompanied by a thud.

  Luke propped the box on his hip as he opened the door, blocking his shepherd-Lab’s escape with his knee. “Easy, Spitz.”

  Inside, Luke dropped the box by the door and reached for Spitz’s collar. He invited Libby inside with a wave of his hand, then closed the door behind her.

  “Sounds great.” She set her bag next to the box. “Should I carry my stuff there now?”

  “No, it’s not quite ready. But almost.”

  She detached Darcy’s leash just before the two dogs pounced on each other. Pawing, sniffing, circling. Spitz spun and dashed through a large dog door with Darcy at his heels.

  “Hey, Luke, do—” She turned to where he’d just been standing, but he’d disappeared. They wouldn’t have a dog door without a fence, right?

  She hesitated in the entryway, then moved to the window. Both dogs romped in the fenced side yard, happy as could be. Maybe she needed to stop freaking out over every little thing. Beginning with her dog playing outside.

  Libby sat on an antique bench in the entryway and slid off her shoes. She placed them next to a square basket filled with shoes and a few chewed tennis balls.

  The dark wooden floors, white baseboards, and painted blue-gray walls had been there at Christmas, but something still felt different—warmer. Maybe it was the sweet smell of vanilla and cinnamon that hung in the air. Her stomach growled and she pressed her hand against it.

  “Sorry for the poor welcome.” Hannah, her sister-in-law, walked in as she secured her long dark hair in a messy bun on top of her head. Dressed in what appeared to be Luke’s old sweatpants rolled up at the ankles, a burgundy oversize sweatshirt, and a pair of polka-dot socks on her feet, she shuffled toward Libby and wrapped her in a hug.

  Hannah still had a few months to go, but there was no hiding the fact she was eating for two. Beckoning Libby into the kitchen next to the entryway, she slid into a chair at the table with careful movements and reached for a sheet of paper. “I wrote out some notes for you. Make yourself at home. Hopefully we won’t be gone long.”

  “You’re leaving? Is everything okay?” Libby hated how weak her voice sounded. But it was easier to be brave when she wasn’t going to be alone in a strange town.

  “I’m having a bit of bleeding.” A slight waver accompanied her words as Hannah rubbed her hand over her belly.

  Libby’s chest tightened as a list of worst-case scenarios ran through her mind. “You have three months to go, right? Why didn’t Luke call me?”

  Hannah placed her hand on her back and shifted positions. “I’m twenty-seven weeks. It started just about an hour ago, and you don’t answer your phone while you’re driving.”

  Libby gripped the back of the chair next to her, reminding herself to breathe. In through the nose, out through the mouth.

  Hannah leaned forward and placed a hand on hers. “Don’t worry, though. My doctor wanted me to get checked but said it could be a number of things. With any luck, we’ll be back tonight. That’s what we’re praying, anyway.”

  Right. Praying.

  Libby had stopped putting faith in prayer over twenty years ago when Luke never came home.

  Hannah pointed to a plate of oatmeal raisin cookies wrapped in cellophane on the table. “I made these for the new neighbors. We haven’t seen them, just the truck. Luke says they may just be workers because that house is in bad shape. But I made them cookies anyway. Oh, and Luke put your bike in the shed. Patty, is it?”

  “Petunia.” Knowing her bike was near released a bit of the ever-present knot in her stomach and shoulders. Luke had brought it u
p in his truck last week. It had only made sense, but a week without Petunia had been rough. Bike rides were one of the few times she didn’t feel weighed down by life. “I know it’s weird that I name my bike.”

  “I think it’s awesome. And I’d offer to go for a ride with you”—she patted her rounded belly—“but we’ll have to wait a few months.”

  Luke burst back into the room with another bag, his chest heaving as if he’d been doing sprints, and grabbed his keys from the hook. “Ready?”

  Hannah reached for Luke’s hand. “How much stuff do you think we need?” She turned back to Libby. “Lib, I know it’s a lot to ask, with you being new yourself, but would you mind delivering the cookies while they’re fresh? Tell them we’ll stop by once this little one settles down a bit. Oh, and Spitz needs to be fed.”

  “Cookies to the neighbors. Feed Spitz. Make myself at home.” Libby forced a confident smile as she made check marks in the air.

  Luke reached out and gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze. “We’re glad you’re here, Libby.” He slid an arm around Hannah’s waist and guided her toward the front door. “We’ll call as soon as we know anything.”

  His words rolled over in her head a couple of times. Libby blinked away the tears blurring her vision as she offered a final wave. She closed the door and pressed her back against the wooden panel.

  Luke was glad she was here. That’s what mattered. Life had given her and her brother a second chance, and this time she’d be here for him. And if right now being here for Luke looked like taking care of his dog and greeting his neighbors, then she could do that.

  Returning to the kitchen, Libby scooped up the covered plate piled with warm oatmeal raisin cookies and looked out the window toward the moving van. Her hands shook a little, and she drew in a slow, calming breath. One thing she’d learned from her therapist was that avoiding a hard situation now made it twice as hard later.

  She straightened her shoulders and rehearsed the words. “Welcome to the neighborhood. Welcome, neighbors. Hey, you, welcome.”

  It shouldn’t be that hard. Friendly people moved to small towns, right?